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Observation Date (UT) Observation Lat

Canonical Name:MGRO J2019+37
TeVCat Name:TeV J2019+368
Other Names:0FGL J2020.8+3649, Dragonfly,
VER J2019+368, VER J2016+371
Source Type:PWN
R.A.:20 18 35.03 (hh mm ss)
Dec.:+36 50 00.0 (dd mm ss)
Gal Long: 74.92 (deg)
Gal Lat: 0.51 (deg)
Flux:0.67 (Crab Units)
Energy Threshold:3500 GeV
Spectral Index:2
Size (X):0.75 (deg)
Size (Y):0.75 (deg)
Discovery Date:2007-03
Discovered By: Milagro
TeVCat SubCat:Default Catalog

Source Notes:

Source position and its uncertainty:
From Abdo et al. (2012):
- R.A.: 304.646 +/- 0.008 deg (= 20 18 35.03)
- Dec.: 36.847 +/- 0.006 deg (= 36 50 00.0)
From Abdo et al. (2007):
- R.A.: 304.83 +/- 0.14 (stat) +/- 0.3 (syst) deg (= 20 19 19.20)
- Dec.: 36.83 +/- 0.08 (stat) +/- 0.25 (syst) deg (= 36 49 48.0)
From Abdo et al. (2009):
- R.A.: 20h 18m43s
- Dec.:36d 42m
- with a 0.09deg error circle

Source Extent:
From Abdo et al. (2012):
- A fit of a two-dimensional Gaussian gives sigma = 0.75deg (radius)
From Abdo et al. (2007):
- Extent diameter: 1.1 +/- 0.5 (computed using only large events)
From Abdo et al. (2007):
- A fit of the source to a circular two-dimensional Gaussian
gives sigma = 0.32 +/- 0.12.
- A fit with an elliptical two-dimensional Gaussian gives an ~2
times larger extent in the direction of RA than Dec.

Source Association:
From Cao et al. (2021):
- MGRO J2019+37 may be associated with LHAASO J2018+3651
From Gotthelf et al. (2016):
- "We present NuSTAR hard X-ray observations of Sh 2–104, a compact
HII region containing sev- eral young massive stellar clusters
(YMSCs). We have detected distinct hard X-ray sources coincident with
localized VERITAS TeV emission recently resolved from the giant
gamma-ray complex MGRO J2019+37 in the Cygnus region."
From Aliu et al (2014):
- The VERITAS sources VER J2016+371 and VER J2019+368
are associated with this source.
From Saha & Bhattacharjee (2014):
- the origin of the gamma-ray emission from MGRO J2019+37 is
investigated in the context of the pulsar wind scenario
- the authors report that:
- "the synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) mechanism of origin of the
observed TeV gamma rays within the PWN scenario is severely
constrained by the upper limit on the radio flux from the region
around MGRO J2019+37" "as well as by the x-ray flux upper limit from
- this would imply an extremely compact emission region which would be
"at least four orders of magnitude less than the characteristic size
of the emission region typically invoked in explaining the TeV
emission through the SSC mechanism within the PWN scenario"
- the authors conclude that "inverse Compton scattering of the nebular
high energy electrons on the cosmic microwave background photons can,
for reasonable ranges of values of various parameters, explain the
observed TeV flux"
From Acero et al. (2013):
- This LAT emission from this source below 10 GeV is likely from a
From Abdo et al. (2009):
- This source is associated with a Fermi pulsar
and is therefore postulated to be the PWN of this pulsar
- The position of the Milagro excess is 0.3deg from the pulsar.

From Abdo et al. (2012):
- Flux normalisation for a power law with exponential cutoff
is 7 +5(stat) -2(stat) x10e-10 s-1 m-2 TeV-1 at 10 TeV
- The overall flux is subject to a 30% syst. uncertainty
From Abdo et al. (2009):
- The flux quoted here is based on a comparison of the quoted Milagro flux
at 35 TeV of 108.3e-17 /TeV /s /cm2 with that from the Crab
(162.6e-17 /TeV /s /cm2) also quoted at 35 TeV.

Spectral Information:
From Abdo et al. (2012):
- the preferred spectral fit is a power law with an exponential cutoff
- Spectral index: 2.0 +0.5(stat) -1.0(stat) +/- 0.1(syst)
- Cutoff energy: 29 +50 -16 TeV

Seen by: Milagro, VERITAS
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