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Canonical Name:HESS J1746-285
TeVCat Name:TeV J1746-285
Other Names:MAGIC J1746.4-2853
VER J1746-289
GC Radio Arc
3EG J1746-2851
3FGL J1746.3-2851c
1FHL J1746.3-2851
Source Type:UNID
R.A.:17 46 23.86 (hh mm ss)
Dec.:-28 52 33.4 (dd mm ss)
Gal Long: 0.14 (deg)
Gal Lat: -0.11 (deg)
Flux: (Crab Units)
Energy Threshold:350 GeV
Spectral Index:2.19
Discovery Date:2015-07
Discovered By: H.E.S.S.
TeVCat SubCat:Default Catalog

Source Notes:

H.E.S.S. Galactic Plane Survey (HGPS, 2018):
A selection of information for each of the 78 sources in the HGPS is provided in TeVCat. For full details, visit the HGPS website.

Name: HESS J1746-285
Source Class: Unid
Identified Object: None
R.A. (J2000): 266.60 deg (17 46 23)
Dec. (J2000): -28.88 deg (-28 52 33)
Positional uncertainty: 0.016 deg
Spatial Model: Point-Like
Size: N/A
Spectral Model: power law
Integral Flux > 1 TeV: 1.54e-13 +/- 5.04e-14 cm-2 s-1
Pivot Energy, E0: 1.00 TeV
Diff. Flux at E0: 1.80e-13 +/- 4.60e-14 cm-2 s-1 TeV-1
Spectral Index: 2.17 +/- 0.24
HGPS Source Notes:
"This is one of the fourteen EXTERN sources in the HGPS catalog, i.e., VHE sources in the HGPS region previously detected by H.E.S.S. that were not reanalyzed in the paper:"
- "Given the difficulties with modeling complex source morphologies, we decided to restrict the HGPS analyses to a symmetrical Gaussian model assumption and exclude all firmly identified shell-like sources and the very complex GC region from reanalysis."
- It is in the galactic centre region and is discussed in further detail in H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2018).

Three possible associations are listed in Table A.9. "This is a list of astronomical objects, extracted from catalogs of plausible counterparts, which are are found to be spatially coincident with the HGPS source":
- 3FGL J1746.3−2851c (3FGL)
- G0.1−0.1 (COMP)
- J1746−2850 (PSR)

This detection was announced at the 2015 ICRC by Lemiere et al. (2015)
On 170615 the source was moved from the "Newly Announced" to the "Default" catalogue on TeVCat.

Positional Information:
From H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2017):
- l: 0.14 +/- 0.01 (stat) +/- 0.01 (syst) deg
- b: -0.11 +/- 0.02 (stat) +/- 0.02 (syst) deg
From Lemiere et al. (2015):
- l: 0.14 +/- 0.013 deg
- b: -0.114 +/- 0.02 deg
=> this converts to equatorial coordinates:
- R.A. (J2000): 17 46 23.86
- Dec. (J2000): -28 52 33.4

Spectral Information:
From H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2017):
- "Because of the relatively large intensity of the GC ridge emission,
extracting the intrinsic spectrum of HESS J1746−285 requires special
- Spectral index: 2.2 +/- 0.2 for the energy range above 0.350
- Flux normalisation (at 1 TeV): 1.8 +/- 0.5 e-13 cm-2 s-1 TeV-1
"The errors include the uncertainty of the ridge emission, which are
obtained by varying the ridge component parameters by their
statistical errors."
From Lemiere et al. (2015):
- Spectral index: 2.19 +/- 0.16

Source Extent:
From H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2017):
- "No significant extension is found and we place an upper limit on
the extension at 0.05 deg."

Source Association:
This source and VER J1746-289 and MAGIC J1746.4-2853 are positionally very close to each other.
From H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2017):
- the authors consider the MAGIC and VERITAS sources to be a mix of
the emission from the ridge and from HESS J1746-285
- although the HESS sources lies at the edge of the GC radio arc, the
authors consider it more likely to be associated with a PWN candidate:
"The source is coincident with an X−ray non−thermal filamentary
structure called G0.13−0.11, which has been proposed to be a PWN
candidate (Wang et al. 2002)"
"Given the good positional coincidence and point−like nature of the
VHE gamma-ray source, we consider G0.13−0.11 to be the most likely
origin of HESS J1746-285"
From Lemiere et al. (2015):
- "The source is coincident with an X−ray non thermal filamentary
structure called G0.13−0.11 associated with a point-source, that has
been proposed to be a PWN candidate (Wang et al. 2002). An examination
of the radio images shows some emission but no clear counterpart,
although it is clear from the figure that HESS J1746−285 and its
counterpart G0.13−0.11 lie just between the non-thermal filaments of
the Radio Arc (Yusef-Zadeh et al. 1984) (prominents linear filaments
perpendicular to the Galactic plane near l = 0.2deg) and a dense
molecular cloud called G0.13 − 0.13 (Oka et al. 2001) believed to be
expanding into this Radio Arc."
-"The question of a physical association should be further studied
through by a complete modelling, given the very complex and highly
magnetized environment of the object."

Seen by: H.E.S.S., VERITAS
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