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Canonical Name:MAGIC J1835-069
TeVCat Name:TeV J1835-069
Other Names:SNR G24.7+0.6
FGES J1836.5–0652
Source Type:UNID
R.A.:18 35 26.4 (hh mm ss)
Dec.:-06 56 24 (dd mm ss)
Gal Long: 24.94 (deg)
Gal Lat: 0.37 (deg)
Flux: (Crab Units)
Energy Threshold: GeV
Spectral Index:2.74
Size (X):0.21 (deg)
Size (Y):0.21 (deg)
Discovery Date:2018-12
Discovered By: MAGIC
TeVCat SubCat:Default Catalog

Source Notes:

This discovery was announced in MAGIC Collaboration (2018) in December 2018.
The field of view of SNR G24.7+0.6 was observed and three distinct sources were detected:
- the brightest source is identified with HESS J1837-069
- an excess to the south of this source, MAGIC J1837-073, coincident with 3FGL J1837.6-0717
- MAGIC J1835-069 (discussed here) that is perhaps associated with SNR G24.7+0.6

Source Position:

From MAGIC Collaboration (2018):
- R.A. (J2000): 278.86 +/- 0.23 deg = 18h 35m 26.4s +/- 55.2s
- Dec. (J2000): -006.94 +/- 0.05 deg = -06d 56' 24'' +/- 180''

Source Extent:

From MAGIC Collaboration (2018):
- "It is significantly extended and well modelled by a Gaussian of 0.21 +/- 0.05 deg."
- "The extended nature of the source is favoured at a level of 7.1 sigma."

Spectral Information:

From MAGIC Collaboration (2018):
- spectral index: 2.74 +/- 0.08
- flux at decorrelation energy: 1.4 +/- 0.2 x10e-12 TeV-1 cm-2 s-1
- decorrelation energy: 1.31 TeV

Source Association:

From Banik & Bhadra (2021):
- "Recently the MAGIC telescope observed three TeV gamma-ray extended sources
in the galactic plane in the neighborhood of radio SNR G24.7+0.6. Among them,
the PWN HESS J1837-069 was detected earlier by the HESS observatory during its
first galactic plane survey. The other two sources, MAGIC J1835-069 and
MAGIC J1837-073 are detected for the first time at such high energies. Here
we shall show that the observed gamma-rays from the SNR G24.7+0.6 and the
HESS J1837-069 can be explained in terms of hadronic interactions of the
PWN/SNR accelerated cosmic rays with the ambient matter. We shall further
demonstrate that the observed gamma-rays from the MAGIC J1837-073 can be
interpreted through hadronic interactions of runaway cosmic-rays from PWN
HESS J1837-069 with the molecular cloud at the location of MAGIC J1837-073.
No such association has been found between MAGIC J1835-069 and SNR G24.7+0.6
or PWN HESS J1837-069. We have examined the maximum energy attainable by
cosmic-ray particles in the SNR G24.7+0.6/ PWN HESS J1837-069 and the
possibility of their detection with future gamma-ray telescopes. The study
of TeV neutrino emissions from the stated sources suggests that the
HESS J1837-069 should be detected by IceCube Gen-2 neutrino telescope in a
few years of observation."

From MAGIC Collaboration (2018):
- "Its center position is offset by 0.34 deg with respect to the
center of the SNR G24.7+0.6. In particular, it lies between two
extended sources detected above 10 GeV by Fermi-LAT, FGES J1836.5–0652
and the FGES J1834.1– 0706, being the first associated to HESS J1837-069
and the second to the SNR G24.7+0.6."
- "Finally, the statistical test performed allows to resolve MAGIC J1835-069
from HESS J1837-069 at a 13.5 sigma level. Moreover, the projected
distance of the new gamma-ray enhancement to the pulsar associated to
HESS J1837-069 (for a distance of 6.6 kpc, from Gotthelf & Halpern (2008)),
is more than approx. 65 pc, which, if not impossible, makes the
association between the two sources unlikely."
- "MAGIC J1835-069, however, partially overlaps with the emission
detected with Fermi-LAT. Indeed, a new analysis presented by Ackermann et al. (2017)
describes the complex region with three very extended sources, being
the MAGIC source comprised between two sources; FGES J1836.5-0652,
which includes also HESS J1837-069, and FGES J1834.1-0706 which is
consistent with 3FHL J1834.1-0706e on the position of the SNR G24.7+0.6.
The flux measured with MAGIC is in good agreement with the one
measured by LAT, extending the spectrum from 60 MeV to 10 TeV with a
spectral photon index of approx. 2.74."
- "A second scenario involving a yet-undiscovered PWN associated to
the remnant cannot be disca"
- "MAGIC observations of the field of view of the SNR G24.7+0.6
resulted in the discovery of a new TeV source in the Galactic plane,
MAGIC J1835–069, detected above approx. 150 GeV. The position of MAGIC J1835-069
is compatible at 1.5 sigma with the center of SNR, which is in turn
associated with the Fermi source FGES J1834.1–0706. Based on the good
agreement between the LAT and MAGIC spectral measurements, the two
sources are likely to be associated. The link with the SNR is also
plausible if one consider the diffusion radius of particles to explain
the observed offset. The GeV-TeV emission observed by Fermi and MAGIC
can be interpreted as cosmic rays accelerated within the remnant
interacting via proton-proton collisions with the 13CO surrounding

Seen by: MAGIC
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