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Observation Date (UT) Observation Lat

Canonical Name:MS 1221.8+2452
TeVCat Name:TeV J1224+246
Other Names:RGB J1224+246
Source Type:HBL
R.A.:12 24 24.2 (hh mm ss)
Dec.:+24 36 24 (dd mm ss)
Gal Long: 233.95 (deg)
Gal Lat: 83.42 (deg)
Distance: z=0.218
Flux:0.04 (Crab Units)
Energy Threshold:200 GeV
Spectral Index:
Discovery Date:2013-05
Discovered By: MAGIC
TeVCat SubCat:Newly Announced

Source Notes:
Statistical Significance (provided for "Newly Announced" Sources):
- From Cortina for the MAGIC Collaboration (2013):
"The preliminary analysis of these data resulted in the detection of
MS1221.8+2452 with a statistical significance of more than 5 standard

Source Position:
From Cortina for the MAGIC Collaboration (2013):
- R.A. (J2000): 12 24 24.2
- Dec. (J2000): +24 36 24
- No positional uncertainty is quoted
- The position coincides with that provided for this source by NED

Seen by: MAGIC
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