2FGL Catalog Source : 2FGL J0633.9+1746 (aka PSR J0633+1746, Geminga)

2FGL Name     : 2FGL J0633.9+1746
1FGL Name     : 1FGL J0633.9+1746
Class(es)     : PSR
Gamma Assoc.  : 1AGL J0634+1748
RA (J2000)    :  06 33 54.9 (98.4785)
Dec (J2000)   : +17 46 26.0 (17.7739)
Gal. Long.    : 195.1323
Gal. Lat.     : 4.2702
Significance  : 791.02 Sigma
Integral Flux : (7.290 +/- 0.030)E-7 phot/cm2/s (1-100 GeV)
Integral Flux : 4.238 Crab Units (1-100 GeV)
Pivot Energy  : 511 MeV
Diff Flux     : (2.414 +/- 0.008)E-9 phot/cm2/MeV/s
Index         : 1.221 +/- 0.006
Flux >1 TeV   : 47473.6881 Crab Units (assuming no curvature/cutoff)
Variable      : No (VI=14.8506)
Band Sqrt[TS] : 100-300 MeV  |  300-1000 MeV  |  1-3 GeV |  3-10 GeV | 10-100 GeV
                  236.27     |    486.28      | 497.16   | 268.74    |   39.12


Green line is the fit
Catalog Fit is: PLExpCutoff
Circle is pivot energy

E (MeV)     E^2dN/dE (erg/cm2/s)
  173.21    4.92e-10 +/- 3.14e-12
5.48e+02    1.06e-09 +/- 4.48e-12
1.73e+03    1.50e-09 +/- 8.01e-12
5.48e+03    8.47e-10 +/- 9.49e-12
3.16e+04    6.09e-11 +/- 4.37e-12

Flux vs Time

Green line is mean flux

Bowtie Plot:

NB: Spectrum has significant curvature. Use plot with caution